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We hope you enjoy seeing the slides of all the things our club does in our community and around the world.

Club Speaker Malcolm King took this photo of us with his camera mounted to a quad copter drone. Thanks Malcolm!

We host the Annual Rodeo Parade

Rodeo week end is a big deal in our community. One of the highlights is the Rodeo Parade! For over 45 years the Rotary Club of Livermore has presented the annual Rodeo Parade on the second Saturday in June, starting at 10 a.m. 2018 was the 100th annual Livermore Rodeo, and the parade was bigger and better than ever, beginning with a cattle drive! Don’t miss next year’s parade! 

We support Little League Baseball


We sponsored the Little League World Series Intermediate age 13 year-old group tournament. Six teams from the United States and six International teams vied for the championship! President Marc threw out the first pitch in one of the games. He crossed that plate with a strike!


Kids Against Hunger Community Service Project

We support Seniors - Small Tasks with Big Rewards!

Club members and friends gather at the Rotary bandstand before heading out to help senior citizens with yard work, minor home repairs and other tasks they are unable to do themselves.

We open opportunities for Youth - Mentoring Students at Junction K-8!

READY Students Celebrate at an End of Year Gathering!

The READY  (Rotarians Educating and Directing Youth)program provides tutoring and mentoring to students at Junction K-8 school, which serves under-resourced students. Over nearly ten years we have provided support to middle school children, encouraging them to dream as big as they can. We continue to hear from students have graduated from high school!

We built a Bandstand in Carnegie Park!

Hundreds of hours were spent building this gift to the community. Working with the City of Livermore and Livermore Area Recreation and Park District,both Rotary Clubs, the Rotarian Foundation of Livermore  and many local contractors donated their time and money. More than one hundred community members bought commemorative bronze leaves, which are displayed on the back wall of bandstand.

We support the Burned Children of the Americas @ COANIQUEM

For more than 25 years our club has sponsored this program, as part of our International Focus on Youth.The Burned Children Foundation  provides  the care, education and rehabilitation of children with severe burns seeking treatment at COANIQUEM (All for the Burned Child) in Santiago, Chile. The organization does not charge for any of the services if provides to these children and families. Martin, show in the photo, is a young man that we have sponsored for five year.
Children at the Holiday Party

Community Service: Supporting the RFL Party for Deserving Children

For ten years the club has supported the Rotarian Foundation of Livermore’s party for under-resourced privileged children and families. More than1000 children and their parents have  attended the party over the years.

Our Club Grants Open Opportunities in our communtiy!

Each year we distribute $16000+ in grants to community organizations and our schools. In the past ten years we have given more than $150,000 in support of our community.Pictured are recipients of January, 2019.

Rotary Grants to Clubs help our community!

Rotary local grants give us the opportunity to invest in organizations that support our under-resourced population. AXIS Community Health received nearly $10,000 to purchase equipment for their free dental clinic in 2019.

In 2020, Stanford Valley Care received $10000 to provide support for conversion of regular hospital beds to COVID support. Our club membership matched that grant.

Also in 2020, our club was one of leads in obtaining a nearly $100,000 for COVID response  assistance to community health systems throughout our area.

We engage families in their children's education!

Ice Cream Social at Marylin Avenue “Back to School” night

2018 was the first year we’ve had an Ice Cream Social, after many years serving a BBQ dinner. The event encourages families to attend the school’s Open House and visit with their children’s teachers.

Educational Outreach: Dictionaries for Third Graders!

For fifteen years we have given approximately 1000 third grade student in Livermore public schools a beautiful dictionary. These are visual as well as print, with photos and graphics, maps of the world, flags for each country, solar system and galaxies and beyond. We personalize each book with a name plate and deliver them to the classrooms, where we provide a “how to” lesson about using dictionaries.

We support our teachers!

2022-23 Recipients!

For 15 years we have honored our  Livermore teachers for all they do for our children. This  year, the Rotary Club of Livermore honored nineteen teachers from the Livermore Valley Joint Unified School District for their service. The Principals and staff at each school choose their recipients. The Superintendent of Schools selects the Administrator.

We support the Rotarian Foundation of Livermore grants

The Rotarian Foundation of Livermore was formed  so Rotary clubs could have a bigger impact in the community. This year the Rotarian Foundation of Livermore (RFL) awarded grants totaling  $45,203 to eleven community organizations at the Rotary Club of Livermore meeting. For more information visit the Foundation’s website.

We support our Veterans as Las Positas College

Pictured here are John Shirley and Leo Croce, both long time Rotarians and WWII Veterans.  Sadly we lost Leo early in 2020.

Rotarians Assisting Veterans Education (RAVE) is a much needed charitable program to assist our military veterans attain their educational goals by way of the G.I. Bill of Rights. It is a 501(c)(3)approved non-profit tax deductible program that is spear-headed by the Livermore Rotary Club.

Students from International House

For more than 50 years our club has partnered with International House  at UC Berkeley to provide the opportunity for international students to experience small town California and stay with a typical American family. Students visit landmark institutions in the community and are treated to an old fashioned “Pot Luck” dinner party.

Youth in Government

Students from our local high schools spend a morning job-shadowing local government staff and first-responders to get a first hand look into the City Government operations. They are then invited to our luncheon, where they introduce themselves to the club and are treated to a State of the City program presented by the City Manager.

Sunflower Hill

Sunflower Hill is an organization which focuses on children and adults with special needs, primarily on the autism spectrum. There is a community garden where participants plant and harvest vegetables for their own consumption and which are also sold to the public. Our club built picnic tables for them and helped build a new greenhouse last year.

Music Scholarships

For 20 years we have provided scholarships to music students in 8th -12th grade for lessons, camp, instrument rentals, and more. For 2020, The Music Scholarship committee received applications from 24 Livermore applicants from 6th through 12th grades.  The committee members met via Zoom last Wednesday and awarded fifteen scholarships.  Because we had fewer applicants than usual, and a higher percentage were really excellent, we granted scholarships to a higher than usual percentage of the students.

The Club usually gives a special scholarship to an outstanding high school senior.  This year we had two amazing senior musicians, Austin Weinshelbaum on cello and Morgan Rogge, voice.

Students of the Month

Livermore, Del Valle, and Vineyard high schools’ staffs select outstanding students to be honored at a luncheon each month. The students receive a plaque and gifts from local businesses. Pictured is India D’Souza, Outstanding Student in October of this year, with LHS Principal Vicky Skudder.

Wehave fun whatever we do!

No matter what we do, we always enjoy ourselves! Here we are getting set up for back to school night!

International Youth Exchange

Rotary International Youth Exchange encourages students to study abroad for one year. Our club has hosting many students from all over the world and this year our student was Elisa PeLince from Brussels, Belgium.  For Elisa, the year turned into quite the adventure, with COVID-19 turning the experience into something quite unique. She returned home a few months early and needed to quarantine for two weeks. She joined out club meetings via Zoom to keep us up to date.

When you participate in the Youth Exchange it is expected that there will be an outbound students as well. Even though we don’t always have a student from our own community, we support students from other Rotary club communities.

We open opportunities through Rotary Youth Leadership Awards (RYLA)

Rotary’s RYLA program encourages high school students to take on leaderships opportunities in their school and community. This week long camp uses team building and other tools to develop leadership skills in the students who participate. Each club in our District can send three students, with our club sometimes sending four. The students attend a Rotary meeting after they come back from camp, to tell us about their experiences. For many of them it is life changer!

Picture here are Gino Barbalinardo and Sarah Ansell, in the yellow RYLA shirts, from Livermore High School.

We have great programs!

Every week we have a featured speaker. One of the more interesting things about needing to meet virtual is we can have speakers from all over the country or even the world. Here is a photo of a local group, from when we were meeting in person – Livermore High School Chorale!  They always do a great job, and many of them are Music scholarship recipients!

We like to have visitors!

Past President of Rotary International Richard D. Kings lives right here in Livermore, so he visits us from time to time! Here he is with one of our outstanding and most revered Livermorians John Shirley!

We have fun at our fundraisers!

If you have never attended our annual Crab Feed,  you have been missing out! We have been holding our event for over 60 years! Rotarians work hard and play hard to make this happen!

John Shirley Service Award Recipient 2023-24

Don Wentz

Rotarian of the Year 2023-24

Kathy Coyle

Music Scholarship Applications

This year there will be a number of scholarships of $100 up to $500 each awarded to middle and high school students.  An outstanding high school senior may be awarded up to $1000.The deadline for applications has changed to March 7, 2025. download the revised application today.

Download an application Here.

Club Grants Awarded October 2!

The Total Grant Money awarded  was $10,310. Rotary partners with the Livermore  Valley Education Foundation on grants to the schools with a 100% match. We thank them for their continued support over the years.

Communications Boards for LARPD!


If you are looking for an opportunity to make a difference in your community and the world, Rotary is the place for you!

Email us at for information about our club!

President Marc Roberts


Club Community Grants 2024-2025
Third Grant Cycle

We are happy to announce our Winter grant cycle is open. Applicants may apply for up to $600.00. The deadline for the grants is March 7, 2025.  The recipients will be notified early March and will be honored at the March 29,2025 Rotary meeting. All grants must have a Rotarian signature (sponsor) in order to be considered.  Please review the guidelines on the application and contact the committee chairs if there are questions. Click here to download the application.

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