
Loretta Kaskey and Evonne Hopkins

At its meeting on December 13, 1994, the Board of Directors of the Livermore Rotary Club unanimously approved the establishment of the John Shirley Exceptional Service Award.

 1994-1995 John Shirley
 1995-1996 Mike Thompson
 1996-1997 Ed Rundstrom
 1997-1998 Ed Coats & Dave Lowell
1998 – 2000 Jasper Steele
1999 – 2000 Marty Plone
 2000-2001  Susan Gallinger
 2001-2002 Paul Thompson
 2002-2003 Doug Bell
 2003-2004 John Gordon
 2004-2005  Bill Geyer
 2005-2006  Leo Croce
 2006-2007   Jasper Steele
 2007-2008  Phillip Dean
2008-2009  Jacquie Williams-Courtright
 2009-2010  Peter Poulsen
 20110-2011  John Linn
 2011-2012  Ken McCartney
 2012-2013   Jim Hannon & Mary Anne Rozsa
 2013-2014   John Sarboraria
2014-2015 Paul Szmyd
2015-2016 Kathy Coyle
2016-2017 Marty Plone
2017-2018 John Sarboraria
2018-2019 Alan Frank
2019-2020 Pat Coyle
2020-2022 Bob Cowan
2021-2022 David Rounds
2022-2023 Loretta Kaskey and Evonne Hopkins

Our Leadership

Roberts, Marc
McMenamin, Patrick
Bowers, Kelly
Public Relations Chair
Kaskey, Loretta
Club Director
Community Service Chair
Memula, Lingagoud
Club Director
Rotary Foundation Chair
Runge, Nile
Bulletin Editor
Fagliano, Sheila M.
iPast President
Sweeney, Don
Membership Coordinator
Club Director - First Year
Bateson, William Jay
Club Director - First Year
Club Service Chair
Stowers, Irving F.
Club Director - Second Year
International Service Chair
Youngsma, S. Jeffrey
Club Director - Second Year
Vocational Service Chair
Frazier, Stu
Club Director - First Year
Youth Services Chair