
Thank you to our Rodeo Parade Sponsors and Supporters!

Hope  to see you this year!

We are Grateful to our Sponsors and Supporters

Paul Harris Level – up to $10,000

Goodwill and Friendships Level – up to $2,500


Benefactors – Up To $1000

Our Leadership

Roberts, Marc
McMenamin, Patrick
Bowers, Kelly
Public Relations Chair
Kaskey, Loretta
Club Director
Community Service Chair
Memula, Lingagoud
Club Director
Rotary Foundation Chair
Runge, Nile
Newletter Publisher
Fagliano, Sheila M.
iPast President
Sweeney, Don
Membership Coordinator
Club Director - First Year
Bateson, William Jay
Club Director - First Year
Club Service Chair
Stowers, Irving F.
Club Director - Second Year
International Service Chair
Youngsma, S. Jeffrey
Club Director - Second Year
Vocational Service Chair
Frazier, Stu
Club Director - First Year
Youth Services Chair